ComfyDeploy: How AlekPet/ComfyUI_Custom_Nodes_AlekPet works in ComfyUI?

What is AlekPet/ComfyUI_Custom_Nodes_AlekPet?

Nodes: PoseNode, PainterNode, TranslateTextNode, TranslateCLIPTextEncodeNode, DeepTranslatorTextNode, DeepTranslatorCLIPTextEncodeNode, ArgosTranslateTextNode, ArgosTranslateCLIPTextEncodeNode, PreviewTextNode, HexToHueNode, ColorsCorrectNode, IDENode.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for AlekPet/ComfyUI_Custom_Nodes_AlekPet and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine

ComfyUI Custom Nodes

Custom nodes that extend the capabilities of ComfyUI

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List Nodes:

| Name | Description | ComfyUI category | | :------------------------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-----------------------: | | PoseNode | The node set pose ControlNet | AlekPet Node/image | | PainterNode | The node set sketch, scrumble image ControlNet and other nodes | AlekPet Node/image | | GoogleTranslateTextNode | The node translate promt uses module googletrans from other languages into english and return string | AlekPet Node/conditioning | | GoogleTranslateCLIPTextEncodeNode | The node translate promt uses module googletrans from other languages into english, and return conditioning | AlekPet Node/text | | DeepTranslatorTextNode | The node translate promt uses module Deep Translator from other languages into english and return string | AlekPet Node/text | | DeepTranslatorCLIPTextEncodeNode | The node translate promt uses module Deep Translator from other languages into english, and return conditioning | AlekPet Node/conditioning | | ArgosTranslateTextNode | The node translate promt uses module Argos Translator from other languages into english and return string | AlekPet Node/text | | ArgosTranslateCLIPTextEncodeNode | The node translate promt uses module Argos Translator from other languages into english, and return conditioning | AlekPet Node/conditioning | | ChatGLM4TranslateTextNode | This translator node uses artificial intelligence to translate prompts and return string | AlekPet Node/text | | ChatGLM4TranslateCLIPTextEncodeNode | This translator node uses artificial intelligence to translate prompts and return conditioning | AlekPet Node/conditioning | | ChatGLM4InstructNode | This node uses artificial intelligence to generate prompt | AlekPet Node/Instruct | | ChatGLM4InstructMediaNode | This node uses artificial intelligence to describe what is shown in the media | AlekPet Node/Instruct | | PreviewTextNode | The node displays the input text | AlekPet Node/extras | | ColorsCorrectNode | The node for correcting image colors | AlekPet Node/extras | | HexToHueNode | The node convert HEX color to HUE (degrees and normal [-0.5, 0.5]) | AlekPet Node/extras | | IDENode | The node that allows you to run code written in Python or Javascript directly in the node | AlekPet Node/experiments |


  1. Download from github repositorie ComfyUI_Custom_Nodes_AlekPet, extract folder ComfyUI_Custom_Nodes_AlekPet, and put in custom_nodes

Folder stucture:

   |-- ComfyUI_Custom_Nodes_AlekPet
       |---- folders nodes
       |---- LICENSE
  1. Run Comflyui and nodes will be installed automatically....

Installing use git

  1. Install Git
  2. Go to folder ..\ComfyUI\custom_nodes
  3. Run cmd.exe


    Variant 1: In folder click panel current path and input cmd and press Enter on keyboard

    Variant 2: Press on keyboard Windows+R, and enter cmd.exe open window cmd, enter cd /d your_path_to_custom_nodes, Enter on keyboard

  4. Enter git clone
  5. After this command be created folder ComfyUI_Custom_Nodes_AlekPet
  6. Run Comflyui....