Nodes Browser
ComfyDeploy: How ComfyWarp works in ComfyUI?
What is ComfyWarp?
Nodes:LoadFrameSequence, LoadFrame
How to install it in ComfyDeploy?
Head over to the machine page
- Click on the "Create a new machine" button
- Select the
build steps - Add a new step -> Custom Node
- Search for
and select it - Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine
WarpFusion Custom Nodes for ComfyUI
- Create a folder for ComfyWarp. Avoid whitespaces and non-latin alphanumeric characters.
- Download install & run bat files and put them into your ComfyWarp folder
- Run install.bat. If the installation is successful, the server will be launched.
- Download and unzip the attached archive into your ComfyWarp/ComfyUI/custom_nodes folder
- Close the server window and run run.bat to fetch the newly installed warp nodes :D
Sample workflows
Sample workflows are located in ComfyWarp\sample_workflow\
Video with the workflow:
- v0.1.0 : WarpFusion: Warp and Consistency explanation in ComfyUI - YouTube
- v0.2.1 : WarpFusion: ComfyWarp iteration 2.
Make Frame Dataset
Input a path to extracted frames
Load Frame From Dataset
Loads a frame from the frame folder
Extract optical flow
Input 2 frames, get optical flow between them, and consistency masks
Applies optical flow to a frame
Used to load rendered frames from the output folder for loopback. Loads frame from folder. Updates frame list on each call. If there are no frames in the folder, returns init_image.
Returns 2 frames: current and previous.
Resize an image to fit, keeping the aspect ratio.
Save frame to a folder, using current frame number.
Mix consistency maps, blur, dilate.