Check out some examples

Text to Image, Image to Image, IPAdapter, and more. Here are some examples that you can use to deploy your workflow.

Txt2Img SDXL

The basic workflow, type a prompt and generate images based on that.

IPAdapter workflow


Images in a couple of seconds, increase the speed of each generation using LCM Lora.

txt2img LCM SDXL

IPAdapter SDXL

Load images and use them as reference for new generations.

IPAdapter workflow

Upscale and Add Detail SDXL

Upscale and Add Details to your creations.

Upscale and Add Detail SDXL

Txt2Img SDXL Turbo

Try SDXL turbo and generate images since 1 step in seconds.

Txt2Img SDXL Turbo

Img2Img SDXL Controlnet

This workflow uses canny. Generate lines of you original image and create variations.

Img2Img SDXL Controlnet

Automatic Inpainting (SEG)

Type what do you want to select and change that area with your prompt.

Img2Img SDXL Controlnet